Agenda item

Rotherhithe School and Southwark Free Schools


11.1  The chair invited Sam Fowler, Schools for the Future project director, to comment on the report. He started by saying that some of the assumptions did not come to pass. Previous advice that the Education Funding Agency (EFA) had acquired the former Bermondsey campus of Southwark College on behalf of Compass School was inaccurate. A developer has acquired the site, and is still looking to support Compass, but the University Technical College is more uncertain.  Members asked where the site was and officers explained this was the former Kings site near Half Moon Lane.


11.2  Members asked if Compass school is offering places to parents and if this is risky. The officer agreed there are some risks; the developer has made agreement with the school, but signing up for school places is still a leap of faith by parents. The officer was asked if it goes wrong would the council have an obligation to find alternative places and he confirmed that the council would, because every child has a right to a place. Officers explained that they would work hard to fulfil this duty.


11.3  Members commented that they had seen adverts up for the Oasis school and officers responded that this is in Lambeth, but officers will be consulting with colleagues there.



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