Agenda item

Review: Universal Free Healthy School Meals

The committee requested more information from Kids Company on:


·  The Lancashire initiative that provides a supper and homework club.

·  A national statistic that was dropped, which used to provide a nutritional measure.

·  Details of any partnerships that Kids Company is developing in Southwark as part of their Plate Pledge programme.


An email responce is attached.


10.1  The chair noted the response form Kids Company and commented that he was pleased to receive more details on the Lancashire initiative that provides a supper and homework club.  However, on the second point, it was not clear from the information provided that the national statistic that used to provide a nutritional measure had indeed been dropped.  The third query had not been addressed.


10.2  The chair invited comments on the progress report on Free Healthy School Meals and a member noted the report said that all primary school settings were offered the opportunity to take up a curriculum based programme on health from an organisation called PhunkyFoods. He commented that in school slang ‘Phunky Food’ means food that has gone off, or is not good, and so this might not be the best branding!



Kids Company will be contacted to ask for details of any partnerships that Kids Company is developing in Southwark as part of their Plate Pledge programme.




Supporting documents: