Agenda item

Work plan


9.1  The chair reported that he recently attended an initial meeting with Zoe Reed about the health inequalities / public health review on the prevalence of Psychosis among the BME population.


9.2  The chair indicated his intention to hold a review of access to GPs. A resident asked if it would be possible to look at the ‘out of hours services’ and the chair responded positively. Another resident reported that she understands that SELDOC will continue as a cooperative, according to Southwark Pensioners Forum, and she intends to clarify this. A member noted that there will be a roll out of the 111 service and suggested that this be reviewed by the committee. 




Kings Health Partners will be asked for an update on the development of the full business case for the proposed merger.


CCG will be asked to present on the integrated pathway for frail and elderly people, and to provide their members’ ‘Register of Interests’.


It was proposed the new committee undertake the following in the next municipal year:

·  A review of General Practitioners, which will consider access to  appointments at surgeries, the Out of Hours service and the new 111 service.


·  Receive reports at the inaugural meeting from the CCG, the Health & Well-being Board and the new Healthwatch.




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