Agenda item

Rotherhithe School and Southwark Free Schools - regular report


11.1  Sam Fowler, Southwark Schools for the Future Project Director, reported that the Compass school is progressing and is expected to open in 2014 on the Bermondsey site along with the University Technical Collage. Members asked if there is space for both schools on this site and the officer responded that there was sufficient room ,  although there maybe tensions.


11.2  The chair asked if there was an update on the City of London Academy consultation on their expansion plans, and the officer responded that there are plans for a 6th Form at the 387-399 Rotherhithe New Road site run by the Academy.


11.1  Members asked for the rational behind the German speaking primary school and the officer noted that there is a degree of concern as there is a bilingual school in Lewisham,  and commented that this is not a Southwark specific proposal and it will not feature heavily in the council pupil place planning.