Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the chair deems urgent

In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


2.1  The chair reported that he had been contacted by a local resident, Tom White, about Marina House. The chair invited Mr White to speak and he explained that this item was considered by the health scrutiny committee some time ago. Mr White recalled that the committee had recommended that SLaM undertake a proper consultation and that there was an understating that GPs would have thorough training to do drug and alcohol referrals. He stated that it is a matter of public record that services would apply for £95,000 grant funding for the delivery of the Integrated Offender Management programme (IMO) at Marina House. However, Mr White reported, he understands that the probation service will not now be delivering services there. My White said he would like to know why not, and if Marina House did or did not receive the £95,000 grant.


2.2  Mr. White went on to express his disappointment that Mike Farrell, a world renowned drug treatment expert, has now left and is going to Australia. Mr White commented that the restructuring of drug and alcohol treatment was supposed to be about saving money, but he queried the actual costs, asked what Marina House is now being used for and where people now receive drug and alcohol treatment services.


2.3  The committee agreed to send a letter raising the above issues. A member said that it would be useful to know how many GPs have completed a level two qualification in substance misuse training, as this course is of much greater value than the level one training. She reported that a level one qualification only takes one day and is not very significant.





A letter will be written to SlaM and NHS Southwark / Clinical Commissioning Group asking for:


  • Information on services provided and patient flows at Marina House.


  • Clarification on the grant of £95,000.


  • Information on where patients are now being treated for substance misuse , who would have used Marina House.


  • Details of how many GPs working in Southwark have a level one or level two qualification.