Agenda item

Policy and Resources Strategy 2014/15 to 2016/17 - Provisional Settlement

To note the current general fund budget proposals for 2014/15 following work undertaken to identify savings and efficiencies.




1.  That the current balanced general fund budget proposals for 2014/15 following work undertaken to identify savings and efficiencies, including increased levels of inflation and commitments identified by departments since the report submitted to 22 October 2013 cabinet be noted.


2.  That it be noted that the government’s Autumn Statement was delivered on 5 December 2013.


3.  That it be noted that the provisional settlement for Southwark council was received on 18 December 2013, and that the final settlement is expected to be confirmed in early February 2014.


4.  That it be noted that this report was considered by the overview and scrutiny committee on 20January 2014 and that there were no recommendations arising.


5.  That it be noted that this report includes the 2014/15 provisional settlement figures, and with the use of reserves of £6.2m presents a balanced budget for 2014/15.


6.  That the further £33.5m funding reduction announced within the illustrative figures for 2015/16 and the impact on the council following four successive years of significant savings be noted.


7.  That an additional £800,000 contribution from reserves to the welfare hardship fund set up in 2013/14 be noted and that officers examine how funds can be more quickly directed to help those in financial difficulty.


8.  That officers be instructed to take steps early in the new financial year to plan for the additional resources, efficiencies and savings that will be required to deliver a balanced budget in 2015/16, based on the illustrative figures supplied.


9.  That representation be made to Ministers on the 2015/16 draft settlement and its impact on the council.


10.  That the proposals in the report for a balanced budget based on a nil council tax increase for 2014/15 be agreed for recommendation to council assembly on 26 February 2014.  Budget schedules are set out in Appendices B - E.


NOTE: In accordance with overview and scrutiny procedure rule 22.1(a) (budget and

policy framework) these decisions are not subject to call-in.

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