Agenda item

Rotherhithe School and Southwark Free Schools

Update report attached.


7.1  The chair welcomed Sam Fowler, Project Director, and Kerry Crichlow, Director of Strategy & Commissioning.


7.2  The Project Director reported that Compass are struggling to find a site; they are being supported by Education Funding Agency.


7.3  He reported that the council continues to express concerns about the use of temporary sites because of the longer term affect that changes of location will have on children and parents. Southwark Free school will open in temporary premises; the Ledbury site is not particularly fit for purpose.


7.4  The Judith Kerr Primary School, a German / English bilingual school, is looking for a site and considering the East Dulwich Hospital site.


7.5  The Education Funding Agency is trying to establish a group of sites and then match proposers to sites.


7.6  Harris has approached the council about starting a primary school and is also looking at the East Dulwich Hospital site and its own estate.


7.7  A member asked if the council considered there was a need for a new school in the Rotherhithe area and the Project Director said the council continue to say that there is a need for additional places that can be met by a new school and expansion of existing provision; the council is pursuing both options in case one does not come to fruition.


7.8  Primary schools in East Dulwich were discussed and a member reported that ward councillors were being proactive with Harris and seeking support from parents. The Project Director said that a meeting is planned with Harris. He commented  the demand for places can certainly not be met only by expanding current provision and that there will need to be investment in Southwark’s maintained primary schools, supplemented by free schools.



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