Agenda item

Update from Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)


7.1  The chair invited the officers from the CCG to update the committee. Gwen Kennedy, Director of Client Group Commissioning, explained that the constitution has been signed off by the CCG board. Officers explained that this includes the process for appointing members of the board: eight GP clinical leads have been appointed through an election/selection process and three lay people appointed. Officers reported that the senior managers and financial officer have also been appointed.


7.2  A member asked if the health representative from the council had been appointed and CCG officers responded that this will probably be taken up by Sarah McClinton, but this has not been confirmed. Members asked who they think should take up this post and the response was that this should be someone who can take commissioning decisions.


7.3  Members asked officers to explain the QUIPP programme and in particular why reserves are being used for over performance. Officers explained that activity levels have been higher than predicted in Acute Trusts.


7.4  A member asked how savings can be made and an officer explained that there are savings to be made on cheaper drugs, by using generic rather than branded products.  It was explained that the CCG can see prescribing  patterns, however how GPs manage these are part of their internal management arrangements. The CCG is not responsible for practices as this is the responsibility of national commissioning.


7.5  A member asked which GPs had to declare their interests and if this would only apply to the board members. The officers explained that this applies to all members, and that the GP Practices who signed the constitution are the members. Officers explained that this is fairly unique.


7.6  A member commented that the constitution does not set out the geographic requirements for board representation from GP practices. The officers commented that two are sought from each quadrant. The member said that this was not stipulated in the constitution. The officer explained that agreeing the constitution is a complex process as it is agreed by the secretary of state; however an addendum might be possible and agreed to look into this.




The CCG will see whether is possible to add a stipulation to the constitution that GPs representation on the board is sought from each quadrant.






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