Agenda item

Cabinet member interviews: Councillor Veronica Ward



7.1  The chair welcomed Councillor Veronica Ward, Cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport, the Olympics and regeneration (South), to the committee for her   annual cabinet member interview on the six themes set by the committee :


  1. What is the swimming pool provision for the communities in our borough?
  2. Given the contributions made by Southwark residents, both in financial terms and in their acceptance of inconvenience, do you believe that Southwark has benefited from the 2012 Olympics as much as it could or should have?


  1. What do you think will be Southwark's lasting legacy from the 2012 Olympics?


  1. Do you have any policies in mind for keeping up the momentum of enthusiasm for sport and physical activity particularly amongst young people in Southwark?
  2. Are you satisfied with the current operation of Surrey Docks Water sports Centre?
  3. Could you give the sub-committee an update of progress on the various recommendations made in respect of library services by the former Regeneration scrutiny sub-committee?


7.2  The cabinet member introduced the first theme on Southwark’s swimming pool provision and referred to the paper circulated under agenda item 5. A member of the committee commented that there is quite a lot of private provision available and asked if the council could make more use of this. He went on to note that he had heard of one case where an initiative, which planned to teach children swimming, had encountered difficulty getting planning permission. The cabinet member responded that the council is looking at making better use of swimming pools in schools.


7.3  A member commented that he had heard of faith groups needing to go outside the borough for baptism. Deborah Collins, Strategic Director for Environment and Leisure, confirmed that there is provision on Saturday afternoons for hiring out swimming pools for baptisms, parties or other uses. However, she noted that there is a huge pressure for pools to be used for triathlon, water polo and other sporting events and that limits private hire opportunities. She went on to comment that the report details both the significant investment the council has made and the rising demand for swimming and related activities.


7.4  The member responded that the council need to make provision for all aspects of the community under equal opportunities. The Strategic Director agreed with this but noted that the council needs to balance competing pressures; and that taking a pool out of use can stop many other groups accessing provision. She went to comment that the opportunity raised with private pools might offer a possible solution for baptisms and other uses.


7.5  A member asked for confirmation that there are four pools for the whole population. The cabinet member noted that Elephant and Castel has been given initial approval and that the outline design includes a six lane pool. The chair added that a pool at Canada Water is still a possibility.


7.6  It was noted by a member that the committee have received useful information on participation in the report; however, information on revenue generated would be helpful. Officers agreed to look into supplying this.


7.7  A member commented that there is a perception in some quarters that the Surrey Docks water sports are a nuisance, or at least not a core part of the sports offer. The cabinet member responded that a huge amount of work has been done promoting this facility, including the disability sailing offer by Tideway Sailability, and attendance had increased considerably. A member commented that Tideway have sometimes indicated that they feel that they cannot always access the water. The cabinet member emphasised her commitment to Tideway and reported that there is an ongoing discussion between Tideway and Fusion concerning access.


7.8  The chair asked the cabinet member to speak about the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. The cabinet member introduced the theme by commenting that this had been a wonderful summer and that young people in particular have become very enthusiast about the Olympics and sports participation. The cabinet member went on to say it is early days to measure the benefits for Southwark in tangible outputs, and the council  do not yet know if people are taking more exercise, and if more people with a disability are participating, however she reported that the council are  gathering evidence for a report.


7.9  The cabinet member went onto to explain that Southwark’s Olympic and Paralmpic vision delivery programme had five key themes and a legacy programme, which it delivered with little or no additional budget. The council received 2500 free tickets and these were distributed to the community. The cabinet member went on to note some of the highlights, which included the accessible riverside walk; the highest number of volunteers in London; the Olympic and Paralympic torch relay; half the population on the street; 200 staff to trained as hosts and a wonderful atmosphere. The cabinet member noted the engagement with businesses and traders, with a festival delivered by the House of Switzerland near Southwark cathedral. She noted that the Get Set Bulletin and Southwark Life themed edition were very popular.


7.10  The cabinet member referred to the Capital Legacy Fund.  The disability hoist for Peckham Pulse is due soon and there is an ongoing focus on at looking at the barriers preventing disabled people from participating in sports throughout the legacy programme.


7.11  The Dance Map has mapped out provision and 10 community sports events took place around Southwark. Leisure Centres have noticed a 15 percent increase in participation and the Boundless festival saw over 100 people attend an event at the Surrey Docks Water sports centre. The cabinet member reported that the pop up Olympics in the north of the borough was hugely popular and the council is now looking at extending this. London youth games also did well and sports clubs have reported more activity and the council is waiting for the full numbers. The Elephant and Nun festival had many activities including Sacrilege – a Stonehenge replica. 


7.12  The cabinet member noted concerns around the loss of community and school sports funding and that further anticipated cuts would put more pressure on delivery of programmes. The chair asked if the cabinet member would be looking at local business to contribute to funding, particularly given the limitations posed by the available funding, and the cabinet member assured members that she would encourage this.


7.13  The chair then invited the committee to ask further questions and a member thanked the cabinet lead for managed to deliver such an exciting programme on limited or no budget. She then went on to ask how the council worked with volunteers and the details of the Peckham Pulse work to increase accessibility and for general refurbishment. The Cabinet member explained that money has been set aside for a disability hoist so that disabled people can attend general swimming pools and access the main pool, as well as the hydro pool, which already has a hoist. She went on to explain that there was a dedicated volunteer programme. Southwark Volunteer Centre is looking at ways of sustaining and developing volunteers, and the council has a programme in libraries. The Strategic Director said that the strategy was for two years and that are outcomes for this year and next year.


7.14  A member congratulated the cabinet member on her role in delivering one of the best Olympics ever. The member went on to request details of volunteers in Southwark who took part by categories such as age, sex, ethnicity, disability and where they live. He noted that information on leisure participation will be forthcoming and that it is likely to have increased, and went to say it would be good to know what activities have seen most participation so the council can judge what sports are most popular .


7.15  The Strategic Director reported that the council have a meeting with the Olympic legacy board and that this will gather evidence on the legacy. She commented that many of the things that have been boosted are important activities that we want to carry on. The Strategic Director noted that the council did not keep the gender, ethnicity, age, disability breakdown on volunteers, and so this data could not necessarily be provided.


7.16  A member asked how many tickets were given to officers and members and who benefitted. The cabinet member replied that the 2500 free tickets went to children and that cabinet members and officers who attended and purchased tickets themselves.


7.17  The cabinet member was asked how the council would respond to the increase in demand for sports and she replied that there are a list of community sports that the council would like to support. She went on to note that there is a different pattern of sports that young people want to do and so the council need to try and make sure a diverse pattern can be made available. She explained that the council would need to rethink community games given potential budget cuts and the importance of using resources carefully, however sessions will continue on the ground.


7.18  A member commented that working with the business and voluntary sector is important part developing sports capacity and asked if the council encouraged sports role models to visit young people and local clubs. The cabinet member assured the committee that she agreed with this approach and that the business and voluntary clubs had been involved in delivery of Southwark’s Olympic and Paralympic strategy.


7.19  A member of the committee emphasised that sports need to be considered in the context of personal development, community cohesion increasing community capacity. The cabinet member assured the committee that the emphasis is on delivering in that broad sports holistic context and that there is a focus on personal skills, confidence, accessibility and building community cohesion.


7.20  The chair then asked the Cabinet member about the last theme; an update on progress on the various recommendations made in respect of library services by the former Regeneration scrutiny sub-committee. The cabinet member drew the committee’s attention to a written briefing that she had prepared in advance of the meeting. It was agreed this would be circulated to members [this is attached to the minutes]. The chair thanked the cabinet member for her interview.















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