Agenda item

Matters arising from the previous meeting not covered elsewhere on the agenda



1. Lambeth Recycling Facilities (Environment theme)

Cllr Thomas confirmed this is a London wide deal across the board so if residents living on the border are turned away from using Lambeth’s recycling facilities they should contact their local councillor. 


2. CCTV in Norwood Rd /Herne Hill

Cllr Thomas stated he checked with the executive member for environment re: ILRE funds being used on surveillance cameras instead of shop frontages.  He confirmed no executive decision was taken on this.  If funding is being used in a different way – then good reasons need to be given.


3. Public Question Raised 

Question by Maureen Cunningham:  The hostel above Somerfield now houses ex-prisoners including sex offenders who should not live within one mile radius of a school. However there are Schools 500 yards away: Grove Vale, Heber Road, Goodrich, Alleyns Girls and Boys Schools, and St Thomas Moore Primary/ Junior Schools.


Cllr Jonathan Mitchell agreed to take this up with the East Dulwich Ward Police Panel.


At the Meeting of the Dulwich Community Council on 14 Dec 2009  Cllr Mitchell provided the following response:


“I have investigated this matter with the local Police and the East Dulwich Police Panel.

There is no evidence that any sex offenders are living above Somerfields in Lordship Lane. In any event according to Police Practice no sex offenders would be housed anywhere near our local schools.

As a matter of Policy the Police do not disclose information as to where such offenders are housed, other than to support a policing objective or where a strict information sharing Protocol exists.


There is a wide range of Acts of Parliament dealing with this issue, and a raft of statutory measures both preventative and punitive to deal with any problems anticipated or real connected with both sexual and violent offenders. All such offenders are rigorously checked by the MAPP (Multi-Agency Public Protection) arrangements when prisoners are released. Our local Police, working with the Courts and the MAPP agencies, are fully aware of what is happening concerning sexual offenders in Dulwich.