Agenda item

Domestic Abuse - Draft Report


5.1  The chair introduced the draft report and outlined the recommendations.


5.2  Members highlighted additional issues for consideration and possible inclusion in the report:


-  existence of any schemes enabling victims to remain in their homes

-  including the views of the LGBT Forum

-  violence towards the elderly (possibly from younger generations within a family and complicated where the elderly person is living with the perpetrator)

-  possible action where a leaseholder is the perpetrator, including termination of the lease

-  recommendation of research aimed at understanding why particular ethnic groups appear to experience a higher level of domestic abuse and violence

-  a questioning of the location of the rape crisis centre in Croydon and whether this adequately serves the needs of inner London boroughs


5.3  The chair indicated that he would investigate these issues and make amendments to the report.  He would circulate a revised draft to all members for agreement before submission to overview & scrutiny committee.

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