Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, members of the cabinet or the chief executive.


The Mayor:


  • Thanked Southwark College for allowing council assembly to use their facilities.
  • Stated that a list of people who live or work in the borough who had received an award in the Queen’s birthday honours list 2012 had been circulated at the meeting.


  • Announced that Canon Ivelaw Bowman, Father Peters and Pastor Yemi would be her spiritual advisors for the year and that her chosen charity would be Kiwanis - an international children’s charity.


  • Congratulated the young people of Southwark who participated in the 2012 London Youth Games.  Team Southwark won four first places victories in the BMX, girls basketball, boys gymnastics and boys athletics.  Overall Southwark won 18 individual medals – 7 gold, 4 silver and 7 bronze.


  • With sadness announced the death of Ron Watts, a Southwark Councillor from 1972 – 1982.  Councillors Veronica Ward, David Hubber and Toby Eckersley paid tribute.  Thereafter the meeting held a minute’s silence.


At this juncture Councillor David Hubber noted that Dr Amanda Squires had been omitted from those listed in the Queen’s birthday honours list.  The clerk undertook to add Dr Squires name to the published list.

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