Agenda item

2 Woodhall Drive, London SE21 7HJ


At this juncture, Councillors Andy Simmons and Helen Hayes left the meeting.


Planning application reference number 12-AP-0200


Report: See pages 54 – 69 of the agenda and the addendum report




Temporary change of use (for 12 months) of a residential swimming pool (Class C3) to allow babies/toddlers swimming lessons between 10:30 am and 2.00 pm – 1 day a week with ancillary parking.


The community council heard an officer’s introduction to the report and members asked questions of the officer.


A spokesperson for the objectors was present to make representations and responded to questions from members.


Members heard representations from the applicant’s agent who responded to questions from members. 


A local supporter who lived within a 100 metres of the development site addressed the meeting.


There were no ward members who wished to speak.


Members debated the application and asked questions of the officers.




That planning application 12-AP-0200 be refused on the following grounds:


1.  That the proposed development would not be in keeping with the character of the Dulwich Wood conservation area.


2.  The impact it would have on neighbouring amenity in terms of intensity and issues regarding change of use would invade the privacy and quality of life of neighbours caused by traffic, parking and noise.

Supporting documents: