Agenda item


Consultation on proposals at the pre-planning stage


Sally Laban (Trust Programme Manager, Cancer Centre Development) and Catherine Dale (Cancer Centre Project) explained that a period of public consultation was taking place regarding the new facility. The centre would be built on the south corner of the Guy’s Hospital site. A design competition in 2010 resulted in the Richard Rogers partnership being appointed as the site developers. Patients were consulted on the design and the new centre would hold treatment as paramount but with areas that enabled care, involving quiet areas for reflection. The large building would be separated into villages including research and radiotherapy areas. The public space around the building was also a strong consideration.


There was a Roman boat beneath the centre, discovered in the 1950s. The project team were working closely with English Heritage to ensure there was minimal detriment to the boat.


In response to questions, Sally and Catherine said the hospital was for local patients. There would be a mixture of public and private provision. The centre would cost about £160 million to develop. The planning application would go forward in June 2012 with completion in 2015. The services in the current location were being relocated to other sites.


Councillor Paul Kyriacou left the meeting at this point.