Agenda item


To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2012.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2012 be agreed as an accurate record of that meeting and signed by the chair.


Matter arising from previous meetings:


Councillor Gettleson explained that the Council was still pushing ahead with plans for a merger of Bermondsey and Rotherhithe community councils despite local objections. He suggested that one option for local residents was to look at the possibility of setting up a parish council. He explained that the idea was already being considered in Queen’s Park Westminster where the people would soon have a referendum to set up a local parish council. The proposal would require a large petition of local signatures at the outset.


In response to questions, councillors said they were against the idea of a boycott of community councils but the petition idea was also being looked at in Rotherhithe and Borough and Bankside areas.


Members disagreed with the content of the briefing note in the agenda. There was a discussion on the merits of existing community council arrangements.

Supporting documents: