Agenda item

Project Bank Information/overview

Zayd Al-Jawar, Section 106 Legal Agreements Manager


The chair announced that rather than workshops, this item would be an introduction to the Section 106 programmes, and that the workshops on this would take place at a later meeting.


Zayd Al-Jawad, Section 106 Legal Agreements Manager, explained that Section 106 agreements were contracts between the council and a developer, and were aimed at off-setting some of the negative impact of a development by providing funding for education, open space, children’s play areas, health or employment opportunities. Section 106 contributions started coming in, when the work commenced. The project bank which contained possible Section 106 projects, was set up in 2008 and renewed in 2010, and would be reviewed in the summer. The council’s website ( listed all the projects in the project bank, and the Section 106 agreements in place, as well as the balances of each agreement. In June/September there would be a consultation about the project bank in relation to amending the existing list and potentially adding new projects to it, which would then be used to determine funding for the new Community Infrastructure Levies (CILs).


He encouraged people to submit their proposals for projects by emailing him, and reminded residents that the projects could not be housing related and had to be infrastructure only.


Responding to questions from the floor, Zayd explained that there was a system of cross-referencing the different projects to ensure Section 106 monies did not disappear off the radar. He encouraged people to write to the council to help officers keep the project bank up-to-date, so that once work that would trigger Section 106 payments, this could be allocated quickly. He went on to explain that despite the merger of the community councils the local restrictions would stay the same, and that only committed projects would be listed. He further explained that when proposals were submitted, it did not matter whether they had been suggested by one or several people, but only the justification of the project was taken into account when the allocation of existing money was looked at. Any projects, which did not have any commitments made to them, would be out for consultation, regarding whether they should remain in the project bank.


Suggestions were made to include Crossbones Graveyard, as well as Elim State entry doors systems on the project bank. A further suggestion was made to have a standing group of residents who would be looking at the proposals. Zayd responded that the process was not meant to be officer led, and that extensive consultations about possible projects had taken place over the years. He went on to say that the Mayoral CIL was coming in in April 2012, and the Southwark CIL later in the year.


The chair thanked Zayd for attending and said that this topic would be brought back to the merged community council later in the year.


For further information or to submit project ideas, please contact Zayd Al-Jawad Section 106 Legal Agreements Manager on 020 7525 7309 or at