Agenda item

Decathlon Site Update

Chris Horn presentation


Chris Horn, CHA Ltd, explained that the process of planning, design and development on the site was just beginning. There were would be further opportunities for comments and questions in the future. The aim at Site C and Site E was to create the town centre set out in the Canada Water Area Action Plan. Decathlon would be protected as the key retailer at the heart of Canada Water. The town centre would be more in tune with the needs of people living on the peninsula.


There had to be a certain amount of development to enable the Decathlon works. There would be improved open linked routes for pedestrians that would encourage walking to the area. There would be a major consultation event in mid-May probably at Canada Water Library. A planning application would follow in October 2012.


In response to questions, Chris said his team were co-ordinating plans with British Land. In terms of affordable housing, it was early days and discussions with the Council were taking place on the sort of housing investment that would take place. The height limit for any building would be along the lines of the Barratt building of 26 storeys. There would be about 200 car park spaces beneath the Decathlon site. There would be an environmental assessment to look at the potential impacts of the development. There were some exciting design and ecological opportunities raised by the development.