Agenda item

Flooding risk

John Kissi, Flooding Risk Manager


John Kissi, Flood Risk Manager, introduced this item by giving a historical overveiw of flooding events, for example the widespread flooding in 2004 which had  affected the south of borough, and cost £1million. Climate change seemed to be bringing wetter winters, and the more intense rainfall caused a rising water table and brought about an increased interaction between flooding sources. This, in turn, increased likelihood of flooding. This was further reinforced by the nature of the soil around the borough, which was full of clay. This only allowed for little infiltration and caused more run off.


Southwark was now Lead Local Flood Authority, which meant that it was responsible for flood risk from ordinary water courses, surface water and ground water.  As part of these duties, Southwark had conducted preliminary flood risk assessments which looked at the significant flood risk, critical drainage areas, and at the consequences of past and future flooding. A surface water management plan had also been put together, which looked at the sources and mechanisms of flooding, investments to reduce the likelihood of flooding and at community engagement to reduce impact of flooding events.  He went on to outline what residents could do themselves: 


  Put together an individual flood plan – instructions to this could be found at:

  Conserve water 

  Harvest rain water 

  Put in more greening

  Volunteer as part of community flood plans


Officers were now in the process of capturing residents’ experiences of flooding for incorporation into their evidence base. They would then submit ideas to Environment Agency for funding, and initiate detailed consultation on these, before developing and implementing them.


The chair thanked John for attending.


For further information about flooding, contact John Kissi, Flooding Risk Manager on 020 7525 2062 or at .

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