Agenda item

Community Safety presentation

Safer Neighbourhoods Teams (SNT)


PS Dutton from Cathedrals ward Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) said that PS Dunkason from Chaucer ward had been off with a broken foot, and was now back on light duties and sent his apologies.


He went on to inform the meeting of the activities and priorities of the Cathedrals ward SNT which were: executing drugs warrants on Lancaster Street and Borough Road. There had been arrests for and seizures of cannabis, crack and firearms cartridge. Another priority was youth anti-social behaviour (ASB) at Peregrine House, and Lant Street. The police had identified some young people, who caused the problems, and were working with housing officers to address this issue by including the families concerned. Another priority was student safety and the team worked with London South Bank University around that issue. At the last ward panel the following priorities had been set: anti-social behaviour in Blackfriars Road, street gambling, and theft of bikes.


In May there would be a police initiative on rough sleeping and street drinking.  In Chaucer ward there would be action on stolen mopeds. He asked attendees to supply information to the police, if they were aware of any mopeds being stolen. He went on to say that the two Chaucer ward PCSOs had left, one had been replaced and one post was currently open for recruitment.


Responding to a question from the floor PS Dutton said that Chaucer ward officers could give information about the break-in at John Harvard Library, that new bikes for SNT were going to be provided in due course, but that this had to go through the regular procurement process, and could not be sponsored e.g. by local bike shops.


The chair thanked the SNT teams for attending over the years, and encouraged people to attend the ward panel meetings.