Agenda item

Controlling Diabetes

Rosie Dalton-Lucas, Southwark PCT


Sabeena Subba, User Engagement Manager, explained the work of the Diabetes Modernisation Initiative (DMI) which was funded by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity and aimed to improve diabetes health outcomes in Lambeth and Southwark in partnership with patients and across organisational boundaries.  She went on to say that 22,000 people in Southwark had been diagnosed with diabetes, with an estimated 18,000 people being undiagnosed. Diabetes was on the increase and it was a life-threatening condition. It could cause long term complications in the eyes, kidneys and feet. 5-10% of the NHS budget was spent on diabetes. The three main areas of work were: improving patient self-management of the disease, redesigning and improving local services for people, and redesigning education for young people.


To get involved with the project, people could attend the next Lambeth and Southwark Diabetes Patient Forum, which would be on 30 April 2012 at Inspire, St Peter’s Church, Liverpool Grove, SE17. There were also locality-based patient groups which people could attend, as well as focus groups and education taster sessions, a parent support group, and a patient database, which was used to promote events and distribute the newsletter.


Responding to questions from the floor, Sabeena said that the project was focused on raising awareness and on education around healthy eating and prevention of diabetes generally. Funding for the project came from the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, but the project worked with all health care providers and professionals in Lambeth and Southwark. There were some demographic groups who were at a greater risk of diabetes such as people from a South Asian, African, African-Caribbean background. 


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A suggestion was made that a new medical centre should be built in Elephant and Castle, as the population there would be rising due to all the new developments taking place. Sabeena responded that this was beyond the scope of this programme, but that the self-management approach and the educational programme would empower people with knowledge and skills.


The chair summed up that diabetes had a great impact on the community and asked attendees to pass on the information about the project.