Agenda item

Review of Southwark Clinical Commissioning Committee - conflicts of interest

Finalise report


7.1  The chair reported that Southwark Clinical Commissioning Committee (SCCC) had broadly accepted all the recommendations contained in the interim report but had wanted discussion on some of the details. The chair reported that the he had gone to the last SCCC meeting with the vice chair and the subsequently met with Managing Director of the Business Support Unit (BSU). The chair reported that as a result of these discussions the final report and recommendations have now been drafted


7.2  Gwen Kennedy, Acting Director of client group commissioning and partnerships,  said that the SCCC viewed this report positively that the vast majority of the recommendations have now been addressed. The Acting Director gave the example of the recommendation to hold all meetings in public and explained that the SCCC have been doing this since September 2011. She reported that the SCCC accepted all the recommendations and had provided a plan to implement these.


7.3  The chair explained that the next step is to take the report to OSC and then on to the Cabinet. The committee agreed the report unanimously.


7.4  Tom White, Southwark Pensioners Action Group representative,  reported that he had called an ambulance recently for an older relative. The ambulance had arrived and made him comfortable, but he reported that he was  still concerned about his relatives mental wellbeing. Tom requested mental health assistance and the ambulance staff suggested he called the relative’s Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN. However it was 7:30am in the morning and CPNs are not available then as the service only runs from 9 – 5pm. The ambulance staff then suggested he went to Accident and Emergency, however Tom said that was very unsuitable. Tom went on to explain that he discussed this with health commissioners and asked for a telephone number for community support. The commissioners suggested then suggested that Tom  contact his relatives  GP. Tom reported that when he did this he was referred by the GPs out of hours services (SELDOC) to the Accident and Emergency Department. A member supported Tom’s comment that there is a need for a number to offer support and that she had been asking for this for some time. Another member commented that perhaps SELDOC should have doctors with mental health specialisms so that they have the ability to respond. 





The final report was agreed and will now to taken to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and then to Cabinet

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