Agenda item

SLaM consultations

Report back on proposedreorganisation of Mental Health of Older Adults .


Report back on proposedreorganisation of Psychological Therapy Service.


6.1  The chair introduced the item by drawing members attention to the correspondence received on both the Psychological Therapy Service and the Mental Health of Older Adults (MHOA). The chair commented that he was not completely satisfied with the response and evidence received so far.


6.2  It was noted that the committee will be visiting the SlaM shortly and these two services will be looked at on site. Members will go to a MHOA ward and discus the Psychological Therapy Service.


6.3  The Psychological Therapy Service will be discussed in a joint meeting with Lambeth Health scrutiny meeting on 16 May. The MHAO service consultation will either be discussed then or it will be recommended that the new Health scrutiny committee pick this up again at the first meeting of the next administrative year.


6.4  There was a question from Tom White about the status of SlaM as a Foundation Trust and if this means that scrutiny cannot refer the hospital to the Secretary of State. The legal officer advised the committee that she had looked at this in more detail. The change of the hospital to Foundation Trust status does indeed mean that scrutiny cannot refer the matter formally to the Secretary of State for failure to consult on a substantial variation.  She reported that the position is that when an NHS Foundation Trust proposes to vary the terms of its authorisation it must make an application to the Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts, known as Monitor. If this application, if successful, would then result in a substantial variation of the services provided then the Trust should then consult with scrutiny. Scrutiny can then refer the Monitor if they are unsatisfied as to the quality of the consultation or if the proposal is not in the interests of the health services in the area.


6.5  A member commented that the Secretary of State has over ruled Monitor in a couple of cases. The legal adviser responded that there is the question whether either of the changes under discussion should have been referred to Monitor by SLaM.


6.6  The chair noted that SlaM is still bound by legislation to consult and involve the community on changes to services. The hospital also has duties under the Equalities Act to ensure that appropriate information is collected and that there are no disproportionate outcomes for disadvantaged groups. A member commented that the Equalities Impact Assessment is still inadequate; particularly around collecting information around sexual orientation and transgender.


6.7  Members noted that it is still possible for the committee to raise their concerns with local Members of Parliament, the Secretary of State and Monitor if they remain unsatisfied with the consultation.





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