Agenda item

Cabrini House, 2 Honor Oak Rise, London, SE23 3QY


Planning application reference number 10-AP-2688


Report: See pages 25-44 of the agenda




Retrospective application to vary the approved scheme appeal ref. App/A5840/05/1189974 (LBS ref. no. 05-AP-0722) to: create a 3 bedroom residential unit over the lower ground and upper ground levels of the coach house and change the height, design, massing and width of the coach house. Retain the existing basement and use this space and the additional basement structure / space to the new three storey extension to Cabrini House as storage space; retaining wall to the north and east of the coach house and to the east of the new three storey extension to Cabrini House and revised hard and soft landscaping (including car parking spaces), refuse storage facilities, cycle parking and means of enclosure.


The planning officer presented the report drawing members’ attention to the addendum report, including the correct draft decision notice, which had been circulated. Members asked questions of the planning officer.


Objectors addressed the meeting and councillors asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant addressed the meeting and councillors asked questions of the applicant.


No supporters were present.


No members spoke in their capacity as ward councillor.




That application 10-AP-2688 is approved subject to:


1)  the conditions set out in the addendum report and


2)  an additional condition relating to the landscaping of the front of the property which requires a detailed landscaping scheme to be submitted to officers for approval within 3 months from the date of permission, to include: details of pavement and hard surfacing, requirements for when the approved scheme shall be implemented by and requirements for replacing removed or damaged trees within a two year period.


Supporting documents: