Agenda item



Councillor Adele Morris asked to move a motion after the planning items had been decided on. The chair agreed to this. 




1.  That the next Borough and Bankside Community Council Planning meeting should receive a report on the regeneration investment programme that includes a copy of the housing development database and a list of sites in the Borough and Bankside Community Council area.


2.  That the next Borough and Bankside Community Council Planning meeting should receive a report on how officers balance the core strategy affordable housing targets, the affordable housing SPD which seeks to promote mixed communities and the need to achieve maximum return on investment.


3.  That the next Borough and Bankside Community Council Planning meeting receive an explanation of the process by which it is determined that off-site opportunities are not available under the “sequential test.”


4.  That the next Borough and Bankside Community Council Planning meeting receive an analysis of the council’s ability to deliver its aim to charge affordable rents, in light of the stipulations in the Localism Act that up 80% of the market rent can be charged.


5.  That discussions should take place about the possibility of investing Section 106 funds in refurbishing existing housing stock in light of the draft National Planning Policy Framework.



The chair said that in order to give officers time to put this information together, and requested it should be brought to the meeting on 16 April 2012.