Agenda item

Cleaner Greener Safer 2012/13: Funding Allocation

Executive Function


Councillors to consider the recommendations contained in the report.


Executive Function


Members considered the information in the report.




That the cleaner, greener, safer capital funding 2012/13 be allocated as set out below:




Bermondsey Community Council area


Bermondsey hanging baskets






Purbrook Estate / Car park lighting; Safety railings for planting at SPAM Hall; Bollards around Thetford blocks / Prevention of pavement damage


Rose bed (Hazel Way)


Bee-friendly planting in Mary Magdalene Churchyard


iCommunity Action Art (SHACCA T&RA Improving our Environment)


Tanner Street notice board


Whites Grounds and Tyers Estate in Bloom! A genuine partnership of residents and London Bridge based businesses helping bridge local social, economic and environmental divisions.


Whites Grounds Interpretation board



Whites Grounds / Crucifix Lane lighting improvements


Alaska Information board, Grange Road






Wickfield House playground


Dickens Estate play area


Perryn Road fencing and gate


Tower Bridge buildings – Lockable gate to bin area




South Bermondsey


Gate at Galleywall Nature Reserve


Bermondsey Scouts’ Story Tent


Flo Weller Memorial Tree and Plaque, The Blue Market Square, Southwark Park Road


Improvements to the Citizens Advice Bureaux shop windows


Brick wall on Ash House, on Dunton Road


Cadet Drive walkway improvement







Supporting documents: