Agenda item

Open Spaces Strategy

Kate Johnson to present


Alison Squires, Planning Policy Team Leader, explained the background to Southwark’s draft Open Space Strategy currently out for consultation.


-  Sets out a framework for open space provision in the borough

-  The open space strategy replaces work previously undertaken in 2003 and updates the work carried out in 2010

-  The document was an important part of the evidence base needed in the preparation of planning policy documents

-  Public consultation on the draft strategy would run until 24 April 2012 with the final strategy adopted in September 2012


The residents’ survey produced the following information:


-  750 telephone surveys undertaken stratified by age, gender and location

-  Study identifies that levels of satisfaction in open spaces were high – over 80% and highest amongst older age groups

-  Almost 90% rated the quality of open space as good or very good

-  Smaller open spaces, cemeteries and amenity spaces were considered to be of poorest quality

-  Just 10% of residents stated that they do not visit open spaces. Majority of these due to time constraints/health reasons

-  Value of smaller open spaces was reinforced, although larger parks also very popular


Open space needs were analysed and a site audit carried out.


Measures to improve quality and value of spaces included:


-  Working with Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Green Enthusiasts (BARGES) to introduce new natural green space to existing sites, including the potential to introduce new habitat creation.

-  Improved access to existing open spaces, including strong links to Burgess Park and Southwark Park, as well as the Thames Path.

-  Look for opportunities to increase the provision of parks to get closer to the borough’s recommended standard.


In response to questions, Alison said she would take back to colleagues a request for an outdoor gym in Spa Park. The open spaces strategy had set a borough wide target provision of 0.76 hectares per 1,000 population though some areas including Bermondsey were likely to have less than that.


Simon Hughes MP said that the Friends of Southwark Park and Bankside Open Spaces Trust had shown a lot of community willingness to look after local green spaces. He added that a strategy to engage local people to care for their near green spaces should be developed. Alison said that idea could go into the Action Plan and that there may be scope in the strategy document for a ward list of open spaces so residents could see what was available. She would also report back on the cost of the strategy.

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