Agenda item

Review of Adults with complex needs


7.1  Adrian Ward, Head of Performance, introduced the paper on the ‘Impact of welfare reform on ageing adults with complex needs’. He reported that this is a complex position as some disabled people could be impacted on in a number of ways. He explained this is an initial look at some of the issues.


7.2  The Head of Performance explained that the modelling suggested a major impact on workless families, but less so on single people. He reported that those on disability living allowance are exempt from many of the changes, but tests for this benefit will become more stringent so those with a lower level of needs could drop out and then become more in need of other services.


7.3  The Head of Performance said that another issue is that many of the people under occupying are disabled. The Carers Allowance is not exempt from cap. Council tax benefits are being devolved and reduced. He reported that this could lead to an overall impact of raising demand for more health and social care as people in need  lose benefits. It is likely that more people claiming benefit will leave Southwark than move in. 


7.4  The chair remarked that the 2,400 predicted disabled residents who could be forced to move out of their homes because of under occupancy is horrifying. He added that the more stringent test on disability benefits and the risk that this could leave people in genuine need without sufficient funds is also concerning.


7.5  A member commented that the impact of these changes will probably mean an increase in the need for advice and guidance to mount appeals, however there are also changes to legal aid which will restrict people’s access to legal advice and support.


7.6  The Head of Performance said that there is a corporate work stream reporting on this in September.





It was recommended this comes back to the new Health and Adult Social Care scrutiny committee next municipal year given the scale and impact of the welfare changes on disabled people. 



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