Agenda item

Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) Revenue funding programme

Officer presentation.


Stephen Douglass, Head of Community Engagement was present at the meeting to explain that Council Assembly agreed the cleaner greener safer revenue fund of £10,000 per ward which is similar to the CGS capital fund. 


The total allocation for Dulwich Community Council was £30,000 with £18,000 of the money being allocated to fund the school crossing patrols which was agreed at council assembly meeting on 29 February 2012.  Stephen mentioned that the remaining £12,000 would costed and presented to the community council in April 2012.  Although this is revenue funding some capital items could be used.


It was noted that four other local schemes should be included amongst the schemes that were set out in the appendix of the briefing paper and decision given below.




1.  That remaining Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) revenue funding of £12,000 will be discussed at the DCC meeting on 17 April 2012.


2.  That the following be added to the list of schemes for consideration at the next community council as set out in the briefing paper:


i)  Part funding of the Kingswood Community Shop coordinator post

ii)  New Leaf projects at West Dulwich Station

iii)  Hanging baskets along Lordship Lane

iv)  Food hygiene training for the traders along Lordship Lane


3.  That Dulwich Community Council request officers to investigate and bring a report back to the community council on the viability and costing of each of the proposals and whether any of these proposals would be eligible for funding from alternative council budgets.

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