Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your written questions to the Constitutional Officer or Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.


There was a discussion on the planned merger of Bermondsey and Rotherhithe community councils that would happen in the new municipal year 2012/13. There was general agreement from residents and councillors that the two community councils should not be merged and that a deputation would go to Council Assembly to that effect in March.


Members and Simon Hughes MP asked for a review of play spaces to be carried out in the Bermondsey Community Council area. That would enable local children to play safely, and healthily. The review could lead to some of the existing facilities being improved.


Councillor Al-Samerai said she would follow up on a resident’s request for a suitable empty space for a boxing club, as it was about to lose its existing premises.


Members asked for a future meeting to have workshops on the type of businesses that people wanted to see in the area and how that could be developed.

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