Agenda item

Chair's Announcements

- Youth Community Councils

- The Poppy Appeal in Rotherhithe 2012

- Cleaner, Greener, Safer 2012/13 Revenue Fund

- Any initial public questions


Farhan Ghafoor, Manager of the Rotherhithe Youth Community Council explained that meetings were held every Friday at the Surrey Docks adventure playground. Some of the young people outlined their work in the forum, which aimed to improve the local area. Councillors and residents paid tribute to the excellent work of the young people involved.


Alice Fisher, Community Fundraiser from the The Royal British Legion outlined the work of the poppy appeal ahead of the 2012 appeal. Local volunteers were needed and anyone wanting to help should either call 020 7863 3347 or email


The chair announced that this year there would be a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Revenue fund with a budget of £10,000 per ward. Residents were invited to submit their ideas. Contact or Tel. 020 7525 5540.


Gary Magold explained that the community council had recently funded a Southwark photo competition in Southwark Park. It was open to all and the resulting exhibition would be in the gallery at Southwark Park that week.