Agenda item


Presentation by developers followed by Q&A.


David Taylor from Canada Quays explained that his group had been appointed by the Council as partners about seven years ago. The initial responsibility was to look at three sites on the Canada Water masterplan.


The new library and area around had been developed to a high standard. 108 local people had been employed during construction including 20 apprentices. Local people had been consulted throughout the phases of construction. There had been an active involvement with local schools who had participated in the project at various stages. The new library could be used for all sorts of community activities.


The second stage of the project was the shopping centre and British Land had committed £30 million initially to upgrade the existing centre and adding to it, within the context of the masterplan.


Initial thoughts for the old library were to flatten the existing building and to develop at ground floor level retail accommodation and a new police station. Above the ground floor there would be about thirty five flats in a five storey building. Both sides of Albion Street with various stakeholders involved could become the core of a revival of the area. Further consultation would take place.


In response to questions, David said that notes from the cafe consultations would be taken on board and worked through with local stakeholders. The proposed new sports facilities were predicated on the development of the whole master plan area but despite four years of effort the Conrad Phoenix site could not be acquired. There were no plans to cut down trees in the area.