Agenda item

Bowel Cancer UK

Presentation by Claire Stephenson.



BREAK – with information stalls in the foyer of the library



Dave Morrison spoke on behalf of Bowel Cancer UK which aimed to save lives by raising awareness and campaigning for better treatments and care. Each year 40,000 people were diagnosed with bowel cancer and 16,000 died from this type of cancer. It affected both men and women but was very treatable if discovered early with over 90% surviving for five years. It was very important to raise awareness and be aware of the symptoms.


The symptoms of bowel (colorectal) cancer include:

-  Bleeding from the bottom or blood in the stool (poo)

-  Change in bowel habits lasting a few weeks

-  Unexplained weight loss

-  Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason

-  A pain or lump in the tummy


Risks could be reduced by cutting down on red meat, eating fruit and vegetables, and living a generally healthy lifestyle. Also people were encouraged to take part in bowel screening when invited to do so.


If people were worried they should make an appointment with their doctor or call the Bowel Cancer UK information and support service on 0800 840 3540 or email