Agenda item

Adult Education


8.1  The chair welcomed Gill Davies, Director of Environment,  Adrian Whittle, Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure and Vince Brown, from Save Southwark Adult Learning, to the meeting.


8.2  A member commented that one of the courses on offer by Adult Learning was on language exchange skills and asked where booklets are displayed and if they go to libraries. There was a query over a correct date.


8.3  The Director of Environment commented that the date can by checked , however lots of effort goes into ensuring the information is as accurate as possible. She went on to assure members that booklets are displayed in museums and libraries. The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure commented that the report contains verbatim comments from the focus groups; however not all the comments may be accurate.


8.4  The Director of Environment explained that they looking at this consultation on Adult Learning as part of a wider review and vision for the service and this includes looking at the what other colleges do and how to the council’s service should compliment this . The Adult Learning Service is currently having an Ofsted inspection.



8.5  Vince Brown commented that he welcomed looking at the work of other colleges and he was particularly interested in how Lambeth can deliver  cheaper courses than Southwark. He went on to note that the Thomas Carlton centre is a social centre and a community that particularly meets the needs of people needing childcare or who are not so mobile. He commented that he would like to know more about how to participate and feedback to the review.


8.6  A member noted that officers were present when the young people from Southwark Youth Council were here earlier ; and recommended that SYC are also consulted with on this review and particularly in improving communication. The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure noted that this review is about adult learning, however officers can talk to colleagues about their overall offer and how it is publicised. This currently goes in Floodlight, on bus-stops, in supermarkets, in libraries and via newspaper advertisements. He added that worded of mouth is also important.


8.7  A member commented that good Adult Education provision goes on in other places,  including Rotherhithe Library and Dulwich Picture Gallery and it would be good to include this provision in the review. The Director of Environment mentioned that an outline of the review  has been provided. The review will be looking at the broader provision including Southwark Collage and the entire range of Adult Education, not just the Personal and Community Learning. The Director of Environment went on to add that geography is an important part of the equation.


8.8  Vince Brown raised concerns that the arts and community courses could get lost in the boarder vision. He requested a specific meeting to allow more comment and to contribute to the visioning.


8.9  A member commented that the broader visioning is welcomed but a specific meeting would be good to enable specific concentration on the community and arts classes. The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure said that a number of workshops have been held but if there is more information then the service would like to hear this.


8.10  The Director of Environment clarified that the purpose of the review is to identify whether  the council should be doing more on some area, less on other areas  , what other providers are doing and what the service’s niche should be. The Director of Environment went on the explain that the service does have a service user forum which has provided good feedback.


8.1  Vice Brown commented that a meeting in the evening would be appreciated as the daytime meeting had been at a  difficult time and also some people had left the service recently, because of service changes so were not in the Users Council, although they would like to return.


8.2  The chair asked the Director of Environment if this would be possible and she confirmed that it would.





A one off meeting will take place so that people who could not make the previous visioning workshops can contribute to this review.




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