Agenda item

208 Long Lane, London SE1 4QB

Full planning permission


Planning application reference number 11-AP-4073


Report: See pages 34 to 45




Erection of additional storey within remodelled roof to provide a three bedroom apartment.


The planning officer introduced the report. Councillors asked questions of the planning officer.


The objectors spoke against the application. Councillors asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant’s agent spoke in favour of the application. Members asked questions of the applicant’s agent.


There were no local supporters living within 100 metres of the site, and no ward

councillors wishing to speak.


Members discussed the application.





That planning application number 11-AP-4073 be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, and:


1.  An amended condition 3:

“Samples of all external facing materials (including details of the zinc cladding) to be used  in the carrying out of this permission shall be presented on site and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any work in connection with this permission is carried out and the development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with any such approval given.”


2.  An amended condition 4:

“Notwithstanding the submission of samples of the external cladding as outlined in Condition No. 3 of this planning permission, save for materials expressly approved under Condition 3, all other materials to be used in the implementation of this permission shall not be otherwise than as described and specified in the application and on the drawings hereby approved unless the prior written consent of the local planning authority has been obtained for any proposed change or variation.”


3.  That a condition be added to require a Section 106 agreement which includes a traffic management order barring future residents of the new development from applying for on-street parking permits.


Supporting documents: