Agenda item

38-40 Glasshill Street, London SE1 0QR

Conservation area consent


Planning application reference number 11-AP-2441


Report: See pages 17 to 30




Demolition of existing buildings but with the retention of existing facades to Glasshill Street, The Almshouses and Kings Bench Street.



The planning officer introduced the report. Councillors asked questions of the planning officer, and the design and conservation officer.


The objectors spoke against the application. Councillors asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant’s agent spoke in favour of the application. Members asked questions of the applicant’s agent.


There were no local supporters living within 100 metres of the site, and no ward

councillors wishing to speak.


Members discussed the application.




That planning application number 11-AP-2441be refused on the grounds that:


1.  The substantial loss of the building and its yard which contributes positively to the historic light industrial character of the King's Bench Conservation Area would adversely impact and fail to preserve or enhance the character and setting of the Bench Conservation Area contrary to Policy 3.16 – Conservation area, Policy 3.15 – Conservation of the historic environment, Policy 3.18 Setting of listed buildings, conservation areas and world heritage sites; and Core Strategy Policy 12 – Design and conservation;


2.  The substantial loss of the building would cause significant harm to the King's Bench Conservation Area, the applicant has not adequately demonstrated that the presumption in favour of conservation of the building is outweighed by necessity or public benefit of the proposal or viability arguments advanced in favour of the proposal contrary to Policy HE9.1 and HE9.4 of PPS5



Members asked for future reports to quote Southwark policies in full and to feature an explanation about officers’ approach to the National Planning Policy Framework. The planning officer said she would refer these matters to the Head of Development Management"

Supporting documents: