Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.



The following public questions were raised:


  1. The small park on the Morecambe Street is not being cleaned. Why is it not being managed by Quadrant?


  1. The pavement in East Street is constantly being redone. Does the council’s contract with the company not include an agreement to fix the pavement properly?


  1. Who gave permission for a cash point to be put outside to William Hill in East Street, which restricts the width of the pavement?


ACTION: Officers to produce a report regarding the under spend in the Cleaner, Greener, Safer budget.


The following questions were also raised.


  1. When was there going to be plaque commemorating Lady Diana’s visit to Southwark?

The chair said that this question had been answered as part of the feedback related to an earlier meeting.


  1. A number of TRAs are struggling financially. Can councillors help?

Councillors said they would look into this.


  1. Can public toilets be funded out of the CGS budget? 

Councillor Coyle responded that the capital side of the funding was usually no problem, but that the problem was the maintenance. Councillor Bowman reminded the meeting that most people wanted staffed toilets, and that council offices and buildings had a policy of letting people use their toilet facilities.


ACTION: Officers to produce a list of council buildings who offer free access to toilet facilities. 


  1. Why does the council not employ people to teach young people at the basketball and football pitches on estates, to prevent the young people getting bored?

Councillors asked the questioner to speak to them after the meeting.


The meeting also heard a comment that trains rather than buses, should be the focus of public transport improvements.


Councillor Patrick Diamond informed the meeting that the Walworth Society was organising walkabouts which were aimed at identifying local buildings and spaces which people wished to preserve and protect. The walk in Newington ward would be held on 5 May 2012 at 10am and commence at the Sturgeon Road entrance to Pasley Park. The walk for Faraday ward would take place on 12 May 2012 at 10am starting from St Peter’s church in Liverpool Grove.


Jeremy Leach from the Walworth Society fed back that 15 people had participated in the walk held in East Walworth recently, which had identified buildings and places in that ward, which people deemed worth protecting.



In closing the meeting, the chair said that it had been a very interesting year for Walworth community council, and that many exciting meetings were to come in the future: Elephant and Castle was a real area of interest and would attract much inward investment. He thanked everyone for attending. 

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