Agenda item

Planning and Open Spaces

·  Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – officers to highlight the previous changes new changes that have currently been made. 


·  Open Spaces Strategy - protecting and improving open spaces.


·  Camberwell Old Cemetery – presentation on planning application and proposed works. 


Kate Johnson, Planning Policy Officer, presented the Open Space Strategy and Dulwich supplementary planning document which highlighted the following:


The council are preparing a supplementary planning document (SPD) for Dulwich which should be going out to consultation again.  The SPD covers the entire Dulwich Community Council area including East Dulwich, Herne Hill and Dulwich Village.  The SPD also covers a small area to the west of Peckham Rye.  The SPDs provide guidance on policies in the development plan which is the Southwark plan and draft core strategy, and when deciding on planning applications and based on topics such as affordable housing.  Further information on this is available on the website


  • The open space strategy sets out a framework for open space provision in the borough.


  • The open space strategy replaces work previously undertaken in 2003 and updates the work carried out in 2010.


  • The document would make up an important part of the evidence base needed in the preparation of planning policy documents.


  • Public consultation on the draft strategy is to run until 24 April 2012.


  • The council plan to adopt the final strategy in September 2012.


Site audit


As part of the preparation of the strategy, a site audit of all existing open spaces had taken place in the area.  The audit had found that open space is generally of high quality.


  • Many spaces hold cultural events – strong focus for local communities.
  • Perform a varied range of functions.
  • Spaces are generally well utilised with a good range of facilities.




  • Small sections of Nunhead and North Dulwich were deficient in access to parks (all types).


  • Large sections of the borough were deficient in access to allotments – Canada Water, parts of North Dulwich and Bankside.


A Dulwich workshop was scheduled take place at Dulwich Library on Monday 16 April 2012 from 5.30pm until 8pm.  Residents should contact the planning policy team on 0207 525 5471 if you have any queries.


The officer agreed to take on board comments about the open space strategy and Dulwich SPD in that these should be discussed with the Dulwich Estate and Dulwich Community Hospital.


Camberwell Old Cemetery – planning application and proposed works


John Wade, Parks and Open Spaces Manager presented this item.  He explained that Southwark were running out of burial space and the council has identified a number of works that need to be done over the next few years in order to provide more burial space.


A recently submitted planning application outlined a proposal for the council to re-use existing burial space.  If the application is successful work would commence in June 2012.  There was likely to be a loss of around 20 trees although the council would try to mitigate as much loss as possible.  The timetable for works would be over a 4 week period, importing soil and a further 6 weeks on other works.  John stated that although this was being considered as short term solution.  A long term strategy on this would be presented at a Cabinet meeting over the next few months.  In response to questions, he said any existing graves would remain undisturbed during the time the work is being done.

Supporting documents: