This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.
Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.
Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.
The following public questions/comments were raised:
The meeting heard that the Tate Modern film club had shown a film adaptation of the Dickens novel “Little Dorrit”. It was suggested to show this film again at a local venue, like the Shortwave Cinema, and that as the company who had made the film was based in Rotherhithe this may be done at little or no cost. Councillors would take this on board.
Councillor Adele Morris informed the meeting that she had started a petition to create a parish council with devolved powers for Chaucer and Cathedrals wards. She encouraged people to contact her if they were interested in joining in with this, and explained that to trigger a referendum on this matter 2,500 signatures by residents in the two wards were needed. There was a discussion about what such a parish council would be called, and that other community council areas which were to be merged, also considered this.
Councillor Tim McNally informed the meeting that he had 14 nominations for people to gain access to London Bridge for the Jubilee Pageant. He encouraged residents who wished to attend this event to approach him after the meeting. The chair informed the meeting that she had passed her nominations on to local schools. Councillor Morris said that she, too, was happy for people to contact her about these nominations, and that she was going to enquire with local businesses whether residents would be able to use their premises to view the procession. Councillor Hickson said she was keen to pass her nominations on to organisations for older and younger people.
ACTION: Officers to provide a list of criteria which they had used to determine the viability of the proposed devolved highways budget schemes
Councillors thanked the chair for chairing the meetings over the last year.
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