Agenda item

Community Announcements / Volunteering slot

  • The Tayo Situ Foundation (TSF) - recognising exceptional young people


  • Solace Women’s Aid


  • Community Council Fund launch – Pauline Bonner (Neighbourhood Coordinator)




Tayo Situ Foundation

The meeting heard that a foundation had been established in the name of the late Mayor of Southwark Councillor Tayo Situ. The foundation’s aims were to engage young people, to provide them with opportunities to show leadership and to work against youth crime. There was also an educational side to the foundation, which was going to form maths, science and other “gangs”, in order to improve educational attainment.


Community Council Fund

Fitzroy Lewis, Community Council Development Officer, informed the meeting that the next round of the Community Council Fund was now open for applications until Friday 25 May 2012 5pm. Residents could apply for funding for community events and activities, which this year should be around three out of the following Olympic values: courage, excellence, determination, equality, friendship, respect, and inspiration. Applications could be made for amounts from £100 - £1,000. There was a focus on new and emerging constituted groups. The decisions would be taken in June or July, at the first round of community council meetings in the new municipal year. For further information, please contact Fitzroy Lewis, Community Council Development Officer, Tel 020 7525 3084 or email


Responding to questions Fitzroy said that the total amount of CCF funding was £122,000 for 2012/2013. Councillors commented that this represented a reduction compared with previous years.



Volunteer of the year

The chair announced that Volunteer Centre Southwark was inviting nominations for their annual volunteer awards, and encouraged attendees who knew someone, whose volunteering had made an exceptional contribution to the community in Southwark, to nominate them.


To qualify for the award a nominee must:

  • Be a Southwark resident
  • Have completed the activity they are nominated for in the last year
  • Have volunteered in a capacity which predominantly supported Southwark communities
  • Not have won this award in the last 5 years


To nominate someone for a Volunteer of the Year Award, residents should complete a nomination form and return it, as soon as possible, to or by post to Volunteer Centre Southwark, Unit 215/216 Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre, London SE1 6TE. Entries must reach the Volunteer Centre by Monday 21 May 2012.  Each resident was only able to nominate one person.