Agenda item

Metal Theft at Dulwich Park - update

Presentations from officers in Parks Services and Arts & Heritage.


  • What the Council are doing about the recent problems with metal theft in the area


  • Presentations from Dulwich Park Friends and the Dulwich Society.


John Wade, (Parks and Open Spaces Manager), Trevor Moore, (Chair of Dulwich Park Friends) and Sgt Stewart Turnbull each spoke about this item which was in light of the recent theft of the Barbara Hepworth sculpture at Dulwich Park and continuous rise in the metal theft in the borough and other parts of the country.


The chair explained that this was being discussed at the meeting due to several requests having been received to possibly replace the sculpture, provide any updates on metal theft and increase security around Dulwich Park.




John Wade reported that the council proposed to secure some funding to find a replacement at Dulwich Park.  He advised the meeting that a consultation meeting would take place on 19 March 2012 between 6:30pm to 7:30pm at St Barnabas Church to discuss the best process for replacing the piece of art work in Dulwich park and identifying a commissioning plan for this.  Stakeholders would be invited to the meeting and information about the consultation meeting would be advertised on the council’s website.


Security measures


John stated that the council had undertaken an audit that would implement increased security measures that is to be done on a case by case basis.  This could be providing additional CCTV or the removal of some items in the park.


Trevor Moore, Chair of Dulwich Park Friends urged people to attend the meeting at St Barnabas to discuss and to submit their views on a replacement which could be art combined with some sort of functionality. For example, one proposal was to have a bandstand.


In response to questions, about time scales on the art work that would replace the sculpture would depend on the commissioning plan and best route the council was likely to go for.  Some residents felt that something iconic should replace the Hepworth sculpture. 


John explained asked those who wished to express a view should do so by email specially if they are unable to attend the consultation meeting.


Sgt Turnbull explained that the cost of metal theft is around £7 million a year because there was a lot of money involved which is why metal theft has risen dramatically.  The metal ranged from non-ferrous metal, to aluminium, to burnt out copper and the like.  The biggest victims were British Rail and British Telecom, a lot has been done to combat this type of crime which involves working in partnership with other agencies.  Many of the criminals had burnt down the cables in parts of outer London so they are not in view.  He urged people to report any suspicious activity relating to this sort of crime.


The chair thanked representatives for their participation.


It was noted that the presentation from the Dulwich Society was deferred to a future meeting.