Agenda item


To hear a deputation from representatives of the Safer Routes to School.





That the deputation request from representatives of the Safer Routes to School be heard.


Deputation – School Crossing Patrols


The deputation spokesperson, Laurie Johnston from Safer Routes to School  addressed the meeting about the school crossing patrols which local residents had campaigned for about nine months, due to cuts the council were planning to make with regard to school crossing patrols in the area.


The safety crossings were essential mainly because of the number of schools that were in close proximity in an area heavily used by lorries, buses, and emergency vehicles.  Council Assembly decided at its meeting on 29 February 2012 that funding should continue until the end of the next financial year which was also the undertaking given by the Leader of the Council.


The deputation spokesperson thanked Dulwich Community Council for their efforts on this and the fact this saved the jobs of three crossing patrol officers and the children who use the crossing.  Laurie stated that the safety of junctions had not been addressed by the council.  This made it imperative for the school crossing patrols to remain in place until this has been addressed.  She explained that the council had an obligation to look after children in the borough.


In response to questions to the deputation, the spokesperson confirmed the crossings were located in East Dulwich Grove, Townley Road and Red Post Hill.


Councillor Robin Crookshank Hillton congratulated the deputation on their efforts and said she was delighted that Village ward would not be losing these services.  She said it did not however solve the problem as other junctions in the area were just as dangerous.  TfL had been approached for funding in order to install improvements to the junctions that were considered the most dangerous.


The chair thanked the representatives for their deputation and reiterated the council’s commitment to fund the school crossing patrols until 2014.

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