Agenda item

Elephant and Castle Supplementary Planning Document / Opportunity Area Planning Framework

To adopt the Elephant and Castle Supplementary planning document / opportunity area planning framework.


The following additional information was circulated in respect of this item:


·  A replacement page for Appendix A (a change to paragraph 5.1.10, last bullet point) which was not in included in the previous version


·  A consultation response from Greater London Assembly (GLA) and details of proposed changes agreed to Appendix A between the GLA and Southwark Council


·  A table of proposed final amendments to the Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPD).




1.  That the Elephant and Castle Supplementary Planning Document/Opportunity Area Planning Framework (Appendix A), together with the table of proposed final amendments to the SPD be adopted.


2.  That the comments of the planning committee and the recommendations of the regeneration and leisure scrutiny sub-committee be noted.


3.  That the consultation report (Appendix B), the table of representations received on the draft SPD and the council’s response (Appendix C), the updated equalities impact assessment (Appendix D), the updated sustainability appraisal (Appendix E) and the sustainability adoption statement (Appendix F) be noted.

Supporting documents: