Agenda item

1-13 Park Street, London SE1 9AB


At this point, Councillor Adele Morris re-entered the room and sat with the audience. 


Planning application reference number 11-AP-4343


Report: See pages 26 to 33




Refurbishment and extension of Grade II listed terrace including mansard roof extension to No.s 1,3,7,9 & 11, to provide an additional 5 residential units: resulting in a total of 12 units, to comprise 2 x studio flats, 7 x 1 bed flats, 2 x 2 bed flats, and 1 x 4 bed flat.


The planning officer introduced the report, emphasising that all references to PPSs were to be struck out and relevant policies of the NPPF considered instead as set out in the addendum. Councillors asked questions of the planning officer, and the design and conservation officer.


The objector chose not to make a statement.


The applicants chose not to make a statement.


There were no local supporters living within 100 metres of the site.


There were no ward councillors wishing to speak.


At this point, Councillor Morris left the room.


Members discussed the application.





That listed building consent for application number 11-AP-4343 be refused on the grounds set out in the report and the addendum.

Supporting documents: