Agenda item

Disclosure of Members' interests and dispensations

Members are asked to declare any interest or dispensation and the nature of that interest or dispensation which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.



Members made declarations of interest in relation to the following agenda items:



6.1 1-13 Park Street, London SE1 9AB.


Councillor Adele Morris, personal and non-prejudicial, as she would be speaking in her capacity as a ward councillor.


Councillor Tim McNally, personal and prejudicial, in respect to this item as he is a Warden (Trustee) and the chair of the finance and property committee of the United Saint Saviour's Charity which is the applicant.



6.2 1-13 Park Street, London SE1 9AB.


Councillor Adele Morris, personal and non-prejudicial, as she would be speaking in her capacity as a ward councillor.


Councillor Tim McNally, personal and prejudicial, in respect to this item as he is a Warden (Trustee) and the chair of the finance and property committee of the United Saint Saviour's Charity which is the applicant.