Agenda item

Cleaner greener safer revenue budget



Pauline Bonner explained that there would be £10,000 of CGS revenue funding available per ward for the 2012/2013 financial year, and that the funding would have to be on something non-physical, for example workshops or extra hours for street cleaners. Councillors explained that the funding could be used for youth provision or events. It was similar to the Community Council Fund, only there was £10,000 per ward. It was clarified that the funding could be rolled over into the following financial year, if not all the funding could be spent in 2012/13.


This year there was no formal application form, due to the timescales for the 2012/13 programme. The funding had only been agreed by Council Assembly on 28 February 2012.  Pauline invited residents to submit their ideas directly to her before Friday 30 March 2012. Pauline can be contacted on 020 7525 1019 or at .