Agenda item

Community Announcements / Volunteering Slot

Borough and Bankside Youth Community Council



The meeting heard that the events diary, which was produced by the Community Engagement team, contained local events which would be happening over the next months including the Safer Neighbourhoods Teams (SNT) ward panel dates.


The meeting heard that there would be a fun day in the Crypt at St George on 21 April as part of the St George in Southwark festival. This would take place around 23 April 2012, and also include a lunch on 24 April and the ballad of St George and the Dragon at Red Cross Gardens in the afternoon of that day.


Issues around Borough High Street

Councillor David Noakes updated the meeting on the scaffolding in Borough High Street, which was something that councillors and residents had long been campaigning on. There was now a timetable for the removal of the remaining scaffolding which King’s College, the owner of the building, had agreed to do by the middle of July. The scaffolding would be moved to the inside of the building. The aim was now to get Transport for London (TfL) to redo the pavement, which was currently under scaffolding, and which had previously been missed out. These works would probably have to wait until after the Olympics. He went on to say that the lighting in Christchurch Gardens had been upgraded and a new power supply had been found. The new columns were to go in by the end of March. Responding to a question from the floor, Councillor Noakes said that TfL was responsible for the granting and enforcing the licences for scaffolding on Borough High Street. 


Borough and Bankside Youth Community Council (BBYCC)

Chris Dossett, Targeted Youth Support Officer, spoke to the meeting about the Borough and Bankside Youth Community Council and explained that its mission was to give a voice to young people. The BBYCC had been involved in various activities: meeting regularly with local councillors and running projects and campaigns. The Senior Health Promotion Officer had recently spoken to the BBYCC, who shared ideas about tackling childhood obesity. They had also put together petitions, and had lobbied Parliament. By being involved in the Youth Community Council, young people were able to have a voice and to acquire valuable skills and experience in planning and organising, which they would be able to use on their CVs.


Responding to questions, Chris explained that the BBYCC and its equivalent in Walworth had worked together closely on a petition about betting shops on Walworth Road. They had brought this issue to the Walworth Community Council, and were looking to meet Harriet Harman MP about this.


The chair congratulated Chris on the good work the BBYCC had done.