Agenda item

Queens Road CPZ - first stage consultation

Paul Gellard, Transport and Projects Officer


Presentation on the results of the first stage consultation on a Queens Road CPZ.


Executive Function


Members considered the information in the report. It was suggested that recommendation a. was not endorsed as local ward councillors had canvassed local opinion which was opposed to the introduction of any CPZ in the area.


A local resident asked about the implications of the new council offices at Queens’ Road Peckham and what the council was planning to do to reduce the impact on local residents. The chair asked that a detailed response be provided by officers for the next meeting.




1.  That the community council does not endorse recommendation a. to approve the extension of Peckham B Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to include Gordon Road (between Harders Road and Brayards Road) and Harders Road subject to second stage (details design consultation and statutory consultation.


2.  That the community council endorse recommendation b. not to approve a CPZ in those remaining that were consulted as part of the Queens Road first stage consultation but to carry out minor changes to declutter and refresh existing restrictions and to install yellow lines on junctions where currently absent.


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