Agenda item

34 East Dulwich Grove, London SE22 8PP


Planning application reference number 11-AP-3865


Report: See pages 15 – 29 of the agenda




Redevelopment of the site involve the demolition of existing house and rear garages, and the erection of a three storey building to accommodate 2x1 bed and 3x2 bed flats, erection of new garage to Elsie Road frontage with parking for 2 cars and 6 cycle parking spaces.


The community council heard an officer’s introduction to the report and members asked questions of the officer.


Members heard representations from objectors and the applicant’s agent.


There were no local supporters or ward members who wished to speak.


Members debated the application and asked questions of the officers.





1.  That planning application 11-AP-3865 be refused on the grounds that the proposed development by reason of its height, depth and position on the common boundary and continued depth of the building to the rear would result in an overbearing impact to no. 32 East Dulwich Grove with a loss of light to the ground and first floor rooms. 


2.  That the communal amenity space would require residents to exit the building and access the garden from the street.  The lack of convenient access to this space would undermine its potential usefulness and thus fail to provide any meaningful open space for residents of the flats on the upper floors. 


3.  That the proposal would appear as overbearing on the Elsie Road elevation due to the stepped forward gable, the lack of setback for an active elevation would appear overly dominant and out of character within the street scene. 

Supporting documents: