Agenda item

London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics

Cllr Veronica Ward, cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics


Presentation on the Olympics including: transport in the borough and street dressing.


Councillor Veronica Ward, Cabinet Member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics, explained that although Southwark was not a host borough to the Olympics and Paralympics (the Games) there was much to look forward to in relation to the Games. It was important to promote sport among young people and there would be a mini-Olympics happening in the different community areas within Southwark. There would also be several cultural events for people to take part in connected to the Games. The Globe Theatre was staging Shakespearean plays in 37 different languages. Southwark also hoped to attract visitors to the South of the borough. The Games were a once in a lifetime opportunity and people were encouraged to make the most of all it would offer.


The pitches in Peckham Rye would be re-laid and other facilities updated. Volunteers were playing a large part and about 150 young people were being trained as guides.


Transport would be an issue during the Games for a lot of people and there would be two alternative routes to the Olympic routes. Those would be for busy times such as the two marathon days. Tube stations would be busy but the council did not want to deter people so it was a case of being patient and listening out for news updates on local issues. See for further information.


In response to questions Councillor Ward said she would look into whether Southwark would be buying / retaining any of the torches or if torchbearers would pay to receive a replica.


A resident enquired about Londoners paying 38 pence per week from 2006/7 until 2016/2017. He asked why council taxpayers were paying for so many years when Transport for London had lots of money and were those payments necessary, and would local schools get the Olympic banners after the Games to display.


Councillor Ward said that £350,000 was being spent on banners for the Southbank area and £30,000 on the rest of the borough. The majority of the main facilities would be used by Londoners for years to come.


The chair said that schools from all over the country and not just those within the six Olympic boroughs could register on the Get Set Olympics website. The schools could apply for free tours of the sites and there would also be ticket allocations for the live events.


OTHER: Councillor Ward said that there would be Diamond Jubilee celebrations, including a carnival in the north of the borough. Lots of places would be having lunches on the Sunday. The lunches were being arranged by residents themselves. Streets could be closed for these fun events via contacting the Council.