Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.



The chair invited public questions from the floor. The following questions were asked:


Can free parking be introduced on Kinglake Estate, as many residents experienced problems parking on the estate? The chair asked the resident to speak to him after the meeting. 


When will TfL be coming to the meeting to explain about the “AD” parking badges? The chair explained that officers had contacted TfL, and would continue to request their attendance at a future meeting.


What could those organisations do, whose projects had not been awarded CGS funding. The chair responded that the under spend would be added to the allocation for next year, and new applications would have to be submitted then. 


Did the SPD take the ‘right to light’ into account, in terms of the height of buildings, especially in Rodney Road, Balfour Street, Henshaw Street and Chatham Street. Members responded that as part of the planning process, they had to take this into account, when making decisions at planning committee.


Further questions were asked, for which feedback will be provided:


1.  Where will the temporary public toilets during the Olympics be located?


2.  Why did the works carried out on the junction at Manor Place and Penton Place bear no resemblance to what was consulted on in August 2011? Why were people consulted at all, if it does not make any difference?


3.  Why are there no signs like the ones in Westminster directing people to tourist sites which point in the direction in which people are facing, like the Imperial War Museum?


4.  Why did the Burgess Park consultation not consult on everything: for example that there will be no lighting, the hills at Albany Road end, the track that goes around and the children’s playground next to the car park?



In addition to this, the following questions were submitted in writing.


1.  “About the wardens: what are you doing about sheltered housing?”


2.  “Can the council remove the banners and boards that Ivory Arch attach to the metal barriers at the northern end of Walworth Road?”


3.  “Why are there one-way systems operating on parts of East Street and King and Queen Street, when they are massively ignored? Half the cars parked in these zones are facing the wrong direction.”


Supporting documents: